Monday, November 24, 2008

First Day of School

Monday, November 17 Sadie Grace and I started into the real world. Sadie Grace went for her first day of daycare at Hermitage Hills Baptist. It was so emotional for me, but she was very happy when I left her with her teacher Ms. Velma. I couldn't stop crying enough to tell Ms. Velma that her GloWorm is in her bag and that she enjoys playing with that. :) She is going to go to school everyday but Wednesdays and Fridays. On these days her Nana and Bebe are going to keep her. This week was a little rough though. She wasn't feeling very well so after Nana had her on Wednesday she decided she'd come over and keep her on Thursday as well. She took Sadie Grace to the doctor and found that she had an ear infection. :( Since Bebe was coming anyway the next day she go to stay home and relax another day. We're off this week for Thanksgiving so she can have plenty of time to get well.

I'm excited for Sadie and her new school. I know she is in good hands. Her cousin, Rylee, who also goes there, has checked in on her a few times already. I also have a friend of mine that teaches in the room right next to hers. Sadie Grace is happy and that is all that matters!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you looked good your first day back :-)em