Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Four Months

Sadie Grace is now 4 months old, already!! She had her 4 month check up this past week, but unfortunately we had other reasons to go as well. She has just been so under the weather the past few weeks....just real congested and having a hard time breathing. Her school called me last Tuesday and said she's just real fussy and wasn't eating. They said she is always babbling and smiling with them and just something seemed wrong on that day. My mom went and picked her up and brought her home. That afternoon, she and I took her to her doctor. After checking her ear, testing her for RSV and then taking blood work and urine sample, her doctor found that she had a touch of pneumonia. Her fever went up to 103 that night so her doctor wanted to go ahead and see her again the next day...the same day as her scheduled 4 month check up. She went ahead and gave her another shot of antibiotic and then went over all the 4 month info. I'll take her back after Christmas to get all of her 4 month shots. Long story short, she is doing much better now...still a little congested and a cough, but is becoming more of our happy, always smiling Sadie Grace! She weighed 17.2 lbs at her check-up, quickly growing out of all of her clothes! She is changing everyday, always doing something new. Just last night, she rolled over for the first time. She did it twice and by the time I got the camera ready, she just laid there looking at Will and I like we were crazy. She's very curious about all the gifts under the Christmas tree. She's already trying to peek into hers. :) I am beginning to better understand when people say that they grow up to fast and to enjoy each and every minute with them!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

For Thanksgiving this year we had lunch at Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw's on Thanksgiving Day. That side of the family continues to grow! This year we had everyone there...I think I've counted right, but a total of 34 now! Rylee was excited to see Sadie Grace, because Nana bought them matching outfits. They were so cute. The Friday after, we all headed out to Fran and Landon's for a Thanksgiving dinner. I think Sadie Grace's favorite part of the evening was sleeping in Fran's bed. Before her nap she and Emme got some cute pictures together. We, like always, enjoyed both dinners and ate way too much! Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

First Day of School

Monday, November 17 Sadie Grace and I started into the real world. Sadie Grace went for her first day of daycare at Hermitage Hills Baptist. It was so emotional for me, but she was very happy when I left her with her teacher Ms. Velma. I couldn't stop crying enough to tell Ms. Velma that her GloWorm is in her bag and that she enjoys playing with that. :) She is going to go to school everyday but Wednesdays and Fridays. On these days her Nana and Bebe are going to keep her. This week was a little rough though. She wasn't feeling very well so after Nana had her on Wednesday she decided she'd come over and keep her on Thursday as well. She took Sadie Grace to the doctor and found that she had an ear infection. :( Since Bebe was coming anyway the next day she go to stay home and relax another day. We're off this week for Thanksgiving so she can have plenty of time to get well.

I'm excited for Sadie and her new school. I know she is in good hands. Her cousin, Rylee, who also goes there, has checked in on her a few times already. I also have a friend of mine that teaches in the room right next to hers. Sadie Grace is happy and that is all that matters!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Three Months

Sadie Grace turned 3 Months, Saturday the 9th. Things are just happening way too fast! Monday, the 17th, will be my first day back to work and Sadie Grace's first day of daycare. :( She will be going only three days a week thanks to mine and Will's moms.
On a brighter note, Sadie Grace never seizes to amaze us with all the new things she does. Just today she and I were playing on the floor and she just started laughing so hard. I thought she was getting fussy, but she was grinning from ear to ear. Each day I feel like she learns new things. She is very observant and watches so much. She loves attention...though she rarely gets much. :) Here are just a few new pictures from the past month...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hanging out at home...

It's been so entertaining for Will and I to watch Sadie Grace growing and learning new things. We try to change things up a little so she doesn't become so bored with her toys. One of her favorite things to do right now is to watch t.v.! It's so funny! These are just some pictures of Sadie Grace hanging out at home.

Sadie Grace's 1st Halloween

Our little princess had her 1st Halloween! Guess what she was!!! A PRINCESS! :) Wednesday night, before Halloween, we went to my parents, Nana and Papa's, and had a bonfire and hayride. Cole, Rylee, and Sadie Grace all dressed in their costumes to show off. On Halloween Will and I took her to his parents, Bebe and Grandaddy's, to trick or treat. That night we just handed out candy to the neighborhood kids. Sadie Grace enjoyed seeing all the different characters coming to her door. Saturday night we took her to the Smith's Halloween bash. She was so funny watching all the kids dancing around dressed up. She joined in on a few group shots. She fit right in!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

2 Months

On October 9th, Sadie Grace turned 2 months already! It's amazing how much she has grown and changed during that time! At her 2 month check-up she weighed 13 lbs. 10 oz. and was 24 in long! She is laughing and "cooing" all the time, unless she is eating or sleeping. Which she is really loving to do. She has really come up with her on little schedule, which seems to be working great. The past week or so she has been sleeping atleast 7 hours, sometimes 8 during the night! Her favorite napping place though is right in the living room on the ottoman! She loves to go for rides with Mommy and Daddy. We play her "her" music and she will sit back there and laugh, then fuss a little and falls to sleep. :) Bathtime is probably her favorite time of the day. She will lay there and first she tries to drink the water. Then she will turn her head toward the faucet and begin "talking" to it. She gets so excited in these conversations she starts kicking her arms and legs and laughing. It's so funny! It's just really fun to watch her personality starting to come out. She's loves to play with all of her cousins too. Morgan and Corey are so good with her and are a big help when we go to Nana and Papa's. Cole says "She's just sooo beautiful!" and Rylee...well Rylee just thinks she wants to get down out of our laps and come play with her. She's not quite sure why Sadie won't talk back to her yet. The cutest thing though is when she and Emme are together. They will just sit and stare at one another, not too sure what to think of the other. The other day they just looked at each other and had their own conversation in their own little baby language. It was precious! BeBe and Grandaddy love to have the 2 of them together! We and everyone else are always trying to figure out who she looks like. She is really a mix of us both, but at some points in the day she can look just like me, and in a split second she looks just like her Daddy. I say she looks like Sadie Grace! :)
These past 2 months have definetly changed our lives. They have been some of the most stressful times we've faced in our marriage, but not one of us would change a thing. We look at our baby girl...the greatest miracle...and know how blessed our lives have become! She's a beautiful, healthy baby who always puts a smile on our face...Life in the Benz household has never been better!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


At only 2 weeks old Will and I decided to go ahead and take Sadie Grace to church. My dad was filling in as preacher for 2 weeks at a small church in Springfield. We thought about it and decided that hearing Papa preach her first time to church would be extra special. She did great...until she got hungry right when Papa was just getting started.

Sadie Grace Benz

Will and I welcomed our baby girl, Sadie Grace, to the world August 9th at 6:14 p.m. She weighed 9 lb 4 1/2 oz and was 19 inches long. She is the most precious baby and I never knew I could love something so much! She seems to be a perfect mix of both Will and myself...I think she's a little dramatic like her daddy though. :)